The Facts About Hormone Replacement in Jacksonville

Have you been looking into hormone replacement therapy? Are you curious about the benefits of hormone replacement in Jacksonville? Look no further. The experts at New Life Surgical Associates are passionate about improving people’s lives through hormone replacement therapy and other services. Below, you will find a list of some of the facts you will want to know about this type of therapy before deciding whether or not it is right for you.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Relieves Menopause Symptoms

Many women love the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for alleviating their menopause symptoms. If you are suffering from hot flashes, sleep issues, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, vaginal dryness, decreased sexual desire, fatigue, or headaches, you may want to consider hormone replacement in Jacksonville. In addition to the menopause symptoms, many doctors recommend this type of therapy to help decrease your risk of osteoporosis. Keep in mind that it can also be used on men who are dealing with a hormone imbalance!

There are Different Types of Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you have a uterus, estrogen and progesterone therapy is necessary. That is one type of treatment available. Another type of hormone replacement therapy is an estrogen-only method. Those who have had a hysterectomy can use the estrogen-only method of treatment.

Easy Application

Hormone replacement therapy is not an invasive process. Instead, men and women who opt for this type of treatment can use carefully inserted pellets in order to bring their hormone levels back into balance. The process is simple and can be done in the comfort of our office.

It Reduces Your Risks

One of the benefits of hormone replacement in Jacksonville is its ability to reduce your risk for diseases such as osteoporosis and colon cancer. This is especially important if you have a history of these diseases in your family. Always be sure to discuss your interests and concerns with our doctor before signing up for any procedure.

You’ll Know When to Start

Many people ask us when they should start hormone replacement therapy. The simple answer is – your body will tell you. If any of your symptoms are interrupting your day-to-day quality of life, then it’s time to start considering this solution.

Contact Us

Here at New Life Surgical Associates in Jacksonville, we pride ourselves in finding great hormone replacement solutions for our male and female patients. If you are ready to sleep through the night, stop those frustrating hot flashes, and feel like yourself again, contact us today to book a consultation at our office. We look forward to speaking with you!

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