You never thought that obesity would end up being a medical condition that would affect your life so greatly. Sure, you love to eat, but at some point, being overweight got way out of hand. Like others who have been the victims of poor diet and lifestyle choices here in Jacksonville, you surrendered yourself to the comfort that food brought you. Food became your go-to solution when everything else made you feel depressed. Now, it is difficult to be seen in public without feeling a little embarrassed about your size. Fortunately, you do not have to live this way anymore. To change your situation and do something about your obesity, you must take meaningful action. This means you must make the decision to commit to getting positive results with some kind of weight loss solution. It may be time to consider weight loss surgery with our skilled surgeon in Jacksonville.
When it comes to losing weight, every overweight person must come to terms with their degree of food addiction. You cannot expect to obtain meaningful weight loss, even after surgery, if you continue to surrender to food as a crutch every time you feel depressed about something. It is easy to hide in a box of donuts and a bag of cookies on your couch, but these calorie-dense junk food choices only contribute more to the problem you are attempting to overcome. If you cannot trust yourself around food, then it may be time to get counseling to help you over this hump.
The interesting thing about being obese is that you have awesome potential for incredible weight loss. The only thing you need at present is a willingness to want to lose weight. When you commit yourself to this goal, you will do the two things that are essential to getting the weight off your body. You will restrict the calories you consume, and you will move your body a lot more than you presently do now. All of this will be much more within reach after some type of weight loss surgery.
Getting the support you need is oftentimes the first step to achieving your goals for your weight. Make an appointment at New Life Surgical Associates in Jacksonville to get started and learn about your options. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!